Monday, August 20, 2007

Global Warming

I saw the movie, An Inconvenient Truth the other night. While this movie does not have the latest in special effects, I found myself asking, "are we really doing this to ourselves"? As much as I wanted to accept the movie as 100 % true, I was skeptical about how much of the "Truth" was distorted. After all, this is a movie, and movies are made to make money, right?

As I was skimming through the news headlines yesterday, I came across an article titled, "Arctic Sea Ice Shrinks to Record Low". After reading the article, I was struck with the harsh reality of An Inconvenient Truth! The facts and predictions in the movie was now appearing as headline news. While a great movie blurs the lines between cinema and reality, this is not the kind of reality any of us wants to see. Do what you can today to make a change!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with Troy. As much as we don't want to agree with everything about Global Warming, it is becoming a harsh reality. I haven't seen the Al Gore movie, but I've seen and read enough stuff to be a little bit scared. They always say that certain things will happen due to this, but that's if nothing is done to prevent. As smart as the U.S. is I'm hoping that the government has a plan.