Monday, December 17, 2007

Funny facebook video

This funny facebook video is bound to hit home with even the newest facbookie. Enjoy!

Now stop wasting time, and start watching.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Open Source Saves Money

If you're still tied to the world of M$, and are searching for a reason to break the chains of propriety software, how about saving money! According to an article by engadget, the Netherlands is expecting to save millions of dollars each year by switching to open source. The Netherlands government unanimously approved the change, which will take place in April of 2008.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Opening Christmas Gifts

This Christmas when you are fighting with that plastic packaging that even a dog can't chew through, all to free you new prized possession. Alright, you just want to play with the damn toy! has a handy tip that may allow you to loose the plastic wrap and start playing a whole lot sooner, and not to mention save your hands from a trip to the ER.