Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Searching for a new career?

Slashdot posts that cybercrime surpasses worldwide illegal drug trade in value! I'm not sure what the qualifications are for employment, but I'm sure a criminal mindset is a must.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The polar bear

Just released is a new report showing the detrimental affects global warming is having on polar bears. I'm glad we don't have to take any of this global warming stuff serious. Maybe if we just continue to ignore the problem, it will go away on its own!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hospitals & cell phones

If you've been to a hospital in the past few years, you undoubtedly saw the "NO CELL PHONES" signs posted throughout the hospital. If you inquired as to why you were prohibited from using your cell phone in the hospital (like I did), you were probably told because your cell phone interferes with the hospital's electronic equipment. If you are anything like me, you probably refrained from testing this theory due to the causing sever problems for the patients attached to the electronic equipment.

Today, reveals new research that shows using a cell phone in a hospital is not as dangerous as once thought, and using the cell phone on hospital grounds may actually be beneficial. You can read the entire (short) story here.

I wonder who conducted the study that defied the "all knowing" hospital?