Sunday, July 26, 2009


As I was brushing my teeth this morning, I decided to read the information on the tube of toothpaste to pass the time. The tube I am using is a sample size of Crest Sensitivity, given to my wife at her last dentist visit. I discovered a couple points of interest under the Drug Facts heading.

1: Warnings: when using his product do not use longer than four weeks unless recommended by a dentist.

I have only used this toothpaste for two consecutive days so I am safe from the dangerous reprocussions of using this product past the four week mark, but this raises a question: what happens after using this product longer than four weeks without a dentist's recommendation?

2. Keep out of the reach of children. If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.

Now that I am done brushing my teeth, and enjoying a fresh cup of coffee, what did I put in my mouth? As I sip my coffee, I can't help but wonder if I'm swallowing any poison that maybe left in my mouth. I fell alright, so I guess my body is able to handle small amounts of poison, just not more than what is used for brushing?

3. Directions:
  • do not swallow
  • 12 yrs. & older: Apply at least a 1-inch strip of the product onto a soft bristled toothbrush. Brush teeth thoroughly for at least 1 minute twice a day (morning and evening) or as recommended by a dentist. Make sure to brush all sensitive areas of the teeth.
  • do not use in children under 12 yrs.
A couple of questions come to mind:
  1. Applying at least a 1-inch strip of product is recommended, but what amount is considered more than used for brushing?
  2. What happens if a child at 11 years of age uses this product? What occurs within our bodies between the age of 11 and twelve helps us fight off the dangers those under 12 years of age face when using this product?

I am not singling out Crest, this just happens to be the tube of toothpaste I grabbed this morning, and I believe I would find similar warnings on other brands of toothpaste. I guess the bottom line is while I meet the general requirements: over 12 years of age and will not use longer than four weeks, I do not meet the main criteria for this product; my teeth are not sensitive.